viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

Books and other things

Reading is one of the things that  I really enjoy doing. But I dont mean to read the obligatory books of the university, I mean the books I read for fun in my free time, holidays, or every time taht I can.Because of that I dont have single type of book I prefer reading, its going to depend onmy mood and what I'm looking in a book, either just enjoy a good story, learn a topic of interest to me, etc.
The first book I read I think it was The Moon Witch at school, when I was in first grade, I dont remember very well that it was, but I remember that when I read it I loved it. Since there have been manybooks I have liked a lot and the most although you dont belive I read in school, and others I readed for recommendation of other people. One of the people who influenced me most to reading was my mom, she is a professor of language and she always recommending me good authorsand books, I think it has determined that the two have the same taste inbook authors and styles . My favorite author is Isabel Allende and myfavorite book is called De amor de y sombra

Rather than talk about the book, I can only recommend to read it and get excited about it, if you do not like novels, I think it will be the exception because Isabel Allende can fall in love at the least sentimentalist person with this beautiful love story in the Chilean dictatorship .

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