How green am I? Not as much as I wanted, and I must admit that not only ignorance of the environmentally friendly practices, but unfortunately the human being, and I include myself - or at least so I think-, is accustomed to taking the easy way, preferring leave all the appliances plugged before worrying about unplugging every night, why?because that annoying given five minutes to 24 hours a day to make an arduous task, which demands much effort. People know and learn these environmentally friendly practices in general by the media, but most of it not the practice, almost a year I've become increasingly aware, but not because of poor government campaigns (which I believe leave much to be desired, just remember the last campaign of the government, where ministers motivate men to come to work without a tie for not using the air conditioning ... sure ministers were to stop using the air conditioning in their beautiful and confortable officies or in their expensive cars hahahaha) but thanks to my brother, who specialized in environmental law and who has encouraged everyone in my house with his knowledge of these practices so that we perform in our daily lives.
My two cents for the care of the environment, although not much, is that I try as much as possible every time I see trash on the floor, pick it up and dump it where it should, which is not much, but it is what you can; also in my house with my mom often go to the supermarket, where there are recycling bins to recycle glass bottles and pack boxes trick; and in my country house, with the garbage that accumulates not burn many people as is done in the field, but we make compost or leaf soil is said to her. I wish I could provide perhaps using fewer transantiago buses and mobilize walking or using the bike, but it's impossible because I live far from the university and if I wanted, would have to leave at 5 in the morning from my house to get to campus at 8 and a half.
Over time, I think it should be an obligation in schools to be taught the children about caring for the environment, not just a few are linked to eco- organizations. I am not linked to any of these organizations, but I try, as I said earlier, doing what I can with the resources I have, to protect the environment.
What is missing in society is consciousness, all the damage is at this moment in our planet is the fault of human ambition, which has put its interests, without measuring consequences on the welfare of our home, our planet, because that's what we are, we are citizens of planet earth, and as citizens, it is our duty now to reverse our mistakes. As Albert Einstein said: "There are only 2 things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, but I'm not sure of the first, second you can see how we destroy only prove who is stronger."
the lasts words are very true, thats a great sentence. thats why we should work about the consciousness!