The article you have chosen is an opinion column about a survey conducted by the Children's Society, which became known that one of eleven kids are unhappy.The article's author doubts the treatment being carried out to address the unhappiness of the children, and that for her, this problem does not only cover children as a separate sphere of society, but their happiness or unhappiness is determined in part by his family and in society in general they grow. That is why the title of his article says: "Of course children are unhappy. They live here too ". To explain his argument the author quotes Zoe Williams, who has indicated that "children are not separated. They live among us and make us. Attacking the unhappiness without attacking children are adults unhappiness is certainly useless, as Children's Society said that it is family loving relationships that made the kids really happy"
Furthermore, the author argues that children's unhappiness can not be combated by abolishing any number of social projects committed to things less subjective than happiness – employment, education, social mobility – and then ask people if they are happy?
of course children are unhappy, especially the girls, when they're pushed to be like a barbie, women are under a big pressure, and that's for the family and the society too.. I agree with the column!